We are a thriving, Spirit-filled, Word-centered, LGBTQ+ affirming church. Our vision is to be a place where, "the Spirit of God is being poured out upon all people." | Acts 2:17
AltarThe vision of this ministry is to help people experience God's presence and power so that they receive what God has for them. We aim to cultivate an environment where people feel safe to receive prayer and provide genuine sensitivity with compassion for whatever they are asking God for through the prayers of the altar ministers. Our hearts yearn to minister with unconditional love just as Jesus did when He prayed on behalf of many to the Father. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us.
Community OutreachLOVING SERVING GROWING The purpose of the Community Outreach is to bring the Gospel of Jesus outside the walls of our church to all we meet, especially those who are lost, homeless, and those most vulnerable. We are blessed and are called by God to be His representatives and His presence in the world. We will embrace all with love and acceptance and seek to help everyone recognize that they are valuable to God - and to us. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
Covenant CareCovenant Care is devoted to helping people who are in pain. All people experience traumatic events in their lives that take them through times of crisis. During these tough times mental anguish, anger, emotional distress, and physical pain invade our lives and seemingly 'take us over'. We often feel as though we can't or don't want to deal with the normal routines of our lives. Even though these times are painful, the good news is that we are here, willing to support you as you make a way through a critical time in your life. At times, we need to express deeply personal cares, concerns, or ideas with people who are impartial and keep sensitive information private. Covenant Care is dedicated for that purpose; spending individual weekly time with a hurting person, listening with empathy, and keeping all personal information confidential. We are a team of caregivers ready to become 'human journals' for suffering hearts and minds. If you are interested in receiving care, please email the ministry at covenantcare.ncca@gmail.com contact us .
Covenant KidsWe seek to equip children (ages 2-12) for ministry by teaching how to worship and how to be involved in the Body of Christ. We do this by teaching them about the presence of God. On Sunday mornings we teach using various methods of lessons, puppetry, song, games, crafts and more! If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
Fire InstituteThe Fire Institute is the Covenant Network’s school for ministry training. The school was birthed out of a desire to see God’s people activate the gifts and callings that are already in their lives. For more information please click The Fire Institute .
First DayFirst Day records services at NCCA through photography, videography, and live online streaming media as the church impacts the world with the gospel of Jesus. We support other ministries as well that would like event recording and documenting. We also provide material for church promotional and reference materials. We exist to share the blessings that are constantly occurring throughout the congregation to all the world and to make available the gospel of Jesus using technology to connect with others. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
HELPSThe motivating factor for the HELPS ministry is love (1 Corinthians 13:1). Help means to 'give assistance, laying hold of; an exchange; laying hold of as to support'. We think of HELPS as: H - having E - enough L - loving P - people S - serving The ministry of HELPS is listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 and it exists to help keep the church clean and functioning. We assist in maintenance, cleaning, organizing and other duties that help keep things in order. HELPS is listed among many things in scripture such as; feeding the 5k, rowing the boat when Jesus needed rest (Matthew 8:23-26), and others. Jesus said that He came to serve and not be served (Matthew 20:28), and we exist follow that example. Simply put, we are about helping and serving the Body of Christ and are always welcoming others who would like to join us! If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
Home GroupsThese groups are based throughout Atlanta and involve fellowship, worship, prayer, and study of the scriptures in a casual, small group setting. Locations will shift every five weeks, so for a specific address / more information for your area please contact us. In-Town: Tuesdays at 7:30pm Southeast: Tuesdays at 7:30pm Northwest: Wednesdays at 7:30pm Northeast: Thursdays at 7:30pm
Intercessory PrayerWe want to affect supernatural change through the power of persistent prayer. We meet together to pray (Matthew 18:19), release God's plan and purposes through prayer (Mark 11:22-24, Proverbs 18:21, Matthew 6:10), encounter and engage the presence and power of God (Acts 4:24-31), pray strategically to war against powers and principalities (Ephesians 6:12), and to pray for; the salvation of others, miraculous healings, for leaders and government officials, and for revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
LevitesThe worship ministry at NCCA is devoted to the worship of God through song, instruments, and other art forms. Our vision is to worship the Lord in spirit and truth, to honor the Lord with excellence and create an atmosphere that God dwells in continuously. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
Movement ArtsMovement Arts is made up of Glory Carriers (flags and dance) and H.I.S. (Hearts In Sign). Glory Carriers exist to: • encourage and inspire others to worship God with the use of dance and flags • train and equip prophetic dances and flaggers through teaching of the meaning of colors and prophetic movements • demonstrate God's love and power through our worship church services and special presentations • be a vessel of God's power and spiritual authority through full abandonment to operate as the Spirit leads through praise, worship, and warfare Our movement is used to: usher in the Holy Spirit and create an atmosphere that is conducive to the Word of God coming forth, lead God's people into His presence through praise and worship, bring healing, breakthrough, deliverance, to break down strongholds and yokes of bondage, and bring to life the heart and Word of God through movement. H.I.S. uses ASL to bless the Lord by worshipping in spirit and truth. H.I.S. becomes a key component in ushering in God's presence by enriching worship beyond singing and playing an instrument by using ASL. If you would like to learn more and/or join Glory Carriers, contact us . If you would like to learn more and/or join H.I.S., contact us .
New MembersWe want to equip the Body of Christ with the truth of who we are in Christ. This ministry is the gateway into New Covenant Church of Atlanta membership. Anyone feeling the unction of the Holy Spirit are welcome to learn more about our local church, what we believe, and being LGBTQ+ and saved. We are here to: 1.) teach believers who they are in Christ according to the Bible 2.) to connect people to a community of believers for love, support, and stability Anyone interested in becoming a part of New Covenant Church of Atlanta are given the opportunity to learn what we believe, what our mission is as a local church, and how we reconcile our sexuality and our faith, by attending a series of classes. These classes are free and available to all people. If you would like to learn more and/or take these classes, contact us.
Pre-Marital CounselingWe are excited for your new journey in life in choosing to get married! The best investment for your future always comes from planning and preparation, and we're happy you've chosen pre-marital counsel to help you. Pre-marital counseling is like creating architectural designs; ground breaking, laying the foundation, construction, interior design, etc. All these pieces create a beautiful, strong, and powerful atmosphere which we believe sets the framework for a great marriage. When you're ready to start, we will meet with you to discuss the pre-marital counseling plan. If you're not in Atlanta - no worries, we can do video conferencing with you if you are interested in receiving from this ministry. The counselors Leah and Amy, both LGBT, felt led by God to go on a specific path where they met a special couple in Texas who were willing to do their pre-marital counseling before they had gotten married. During their trip, they felt called by God to start a ministry doing that very thing - helping couples who have chosen to get married. Since 2006, couples who've received counsel from this program have proven strength in their marriage and still practice the tools received on a regular basis. If you would like to receive pre-marital counseling, contact us .
Projection TeamThe projection team is responsible for displaying the lyrics, Bible verses, graphics, and videos on large video monitors for congregants, the worship team, speakers, and our vast online community. It is an important element of worship and it enhances engagement among the congregation. This ministry is a great way to get involved in the church by facilitating worship for others, especially if you have an introverted and/or creative personality. Plus, you can also learn a new skill, or, share the knowledge you already have. We are always looking for new and exciting ways of enhancing worship. If you would like to learn more about joining our ministry, contact us.
PropheticThe Prophetic Team at New Covenant Church of Atlanta is called to “speak words of encouragement, edification, comfort, and strength in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14:1 and 3, “pursue love, desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy... He who prophesies speaks edification, exhortation, and comfort to men.” And according to Ephesians 4:12, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body..." Visit our website to learn more. If you would like to receive prophetic training / mentorship, contact us .
SoundThe Sound team is responsible for what you hear every Sunday morning. We work with the worship team to blend and balance their instruments and voices into what you hear. We also project the words for worship and scriptures for that day's agenda, so the congregation is able to join in the worship of our King. In addition to providing support to the experience, we also set up and shut down all the equipment used in a timely manner. By meeting these goals, the Sound team assists in making sure that God's messages are complimented by technology. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
UshersThe Ushers ministry will reach out to first time visitors and make them feel welcome, answer questions, and make their first visit memorable and enjoyable. We maintain the atmosphere of reverence and order before, during, and after the service with a 'ready to serve' attitude. If you would like to learn more and/or join this team, contact us .
New Covenant Church of Atlanta is a part (and the central hub) of The Covenant Network.
The Covenant Network is an LGBTQ+ Affirming, Word-Faith, Full Gospel, Jesus-Centered, Spirit-Filled, Apostolic/Prophetic movement. We are churches and ministries around the world. We pray that something here blesses you and equips you for work in the Kingdom of God. So, having the same spirit of faith, we believe and we speak (2 Cor. 4:13). We speak strength, power, and purpose over you today in the name of Jesus.

Bishop Randy Morgan & Apostle Johnny Layton-Morgan
Bishop Randy Morgan and Apostle Johnny Layton-Morgan are the founding and senior leaders of New Covenant Church of Atlanta and overseers of The Covenant Network. They were both brought together by God in 1993 and have been happily married ever since! Under a calling from the Holy Spirit, they both moved from their home in Tifton, GA to Atlanta to start NCCA on July 23, 2000. Their vision for the church is that it's a place "where the Spirit of God is being poured out upon all people", to be a revival center where people are born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and equipped and released into their ministries and callings. Their vision for The Covenant Network is that it would be a network of leaders that rise up to see a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all people.
Leadership within the local church sets the course for the entire church. We believe in a New Testament "5-fold" as described in Ephesians 4:11&12. We believe that leadership is for mentoring and establishing believers in their walks with God and equipping them for works of ministry/service. Make a note of what area you'd like to grow in and then contact that team. Then, he/she will gladly help mentor you and help you grow in your walk and gifting(s) with God! We believe that while not everyone will hold a 5-fold office, everyone is called to serve in some fashion for the Kingdom with their God-given passions, skills, abilities, and are just as important to the growing of the Kingdom. This includes the ministry of helps, administration, IT/tech, songwriting, design, etc. Every function of the Body is necessary (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).
Learn more about the 5-Fold. For mentorship from a team, contact them directly.