In all we do, we do it for the Glory of God.
We are not here to entertain or perform. We are here to minister to the Lord and to others. We will listen to the Holy Spirit and move as He instructs.
To inspire, equip, and activate all people to worship God through various artistic expression, while ministering through our visual language the message of freedom, deliverance, victory, and love given to us by Jesus Christ
Usher in the Holy Spirit & create an atmosphere that is conducive to the Word of God coming forth
Lead God’s people into His presence by enriching corporate worship beyond singing or playing an instrument
Bring healing & deliverance
Break down strongholds & yokes of bondage; Give breakthrough
Prophecy & bring to life the heart of God and the word of God through movement
Demonstrate God’s love and power
Be a yielded vessel, with complete abandonment, through which God can move
Serve our local and network churches and community-at-large

To learn more, or to join the Glory Carrier Ministry,